“At tea F.M. said that he had, at last, decided that we must cut out in future teaching all instructions to order the neck to relax or to be free because such orders only lead to other forms of doing. If a person is stiffening the neck, the remedy is to get them to stop projecting messages that are bringing about this condition and not to project messages to counteract the effects of the other messages. He said that the implied contradiction had worried him for a long time, but after working on Hallis this morning, he saw that it must be changed so all orders in future will be framed so as to emphasise “non-doing“.”
Walter H.M. Carrington, A Time To Remember,
Sheildrake Press 1996, p. 59
F.M. Alexander
Lehrer für Alexander Technik, Schauspieler und Sprecher
Kleine Breikamp 14
48163 Münster
+49 (0)174 571 96 45